I have to admit, I like to talk to people about art, especially when they’re more knowledgeable about it than I am (not too difficult!). I find it more rewarding to know what to look for, so I can appreciate art that may not speak to me initially. So I’m one of those people in a museum, - although I do try to whisper. And when I see something beautiful (a sunset, for example) it’s always more memorable if I have someone to share it with…

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Clearly I love talking about art!! I think there's room for both, but maybe at lower decibels. :) Thanks for reading, Gabi.

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Just catching up to this post, Laurel. Made me chuckle at the mention of turning into a cranky old person.

So recently I made a pilgrimage to Santa Fe, NM to take what I called the Georgia O’Keefe tour. I visited Ghost Ranch, then her home and studio, and finally the GOK museum.

While entrance to the museum is timed, there is no limit on the length of the visit so there were far more people in the galleries than I would have liked. This made it difficult to spend as much time with the works there as I would have liked. Too many people rudely intruding on my communion with them.

Photography is permitted so I took many many iPhone photos of the paintings and photographs. Many I was familiar with but there were also a number of new images to me. iPhones have improved quite a bit so my images are not bad but are mere wisps compared to opportunity to stand in the presence of the painted canvases. Especially with the experiences of standing in her studio and her landscapes fresh in my head.

But every once in awhile I can scroll through them and reconnect to those experiences again.

I love thinking about our relationship to imagery.

Do you recommend that book?

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